In a very difficult and uncertain working environment like the current one, Zenit S.p.A. thanks to the excellent balance sheet data obtained in 2021, it was able to achieve two important goals, referring to the award of a productivity bonus well above the national average, and the decision to invest more in renewable energy.
Thanks to the objectives achieved in 2021 for productivity, quality and presence, an average bonus of around 3,100 euros was paid to each of the 46 employees, an amount which is much higher than the average annual value of the bonuses recorded by the Ministry of Labour. which is equal to 1,495.06 euros (in detail, the data from the Ministry of Labor speak of 1,640.56 euros referring to company contracts and 689.79 euros to territorial contracts). The company underlines how this award certifies the results achieved thanks to the commitment, dedication and professionalism of all employees, who have always given their contribution even in these decidedly complex months, in the belief that by joining forces can achieve the best results. Precisely because of the excellent performance in the previous year, Zenit SpA decided to invest more in renewable sources, through the purchase of a new photovoltaic system. From 2011 until 2021, it was supported, in terms of energy, by a rooftop photovoltaic system with a power of 200 kW, and, at the beginning of the year, it defined the purchase of an additional 300 kW photovoltaic system, which will make it possible to cover approximately 60% of the company's total energy needs.
The company, which has always been able to count on its availability, hopes to be able to continue in this direction also in the current year, a wish it also addresses to all the companies in the Piacenza area that are struggling to get out of the post-pandemic crisis and the crisis related to the war in Ukraine.